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Integrity. Experience. 




Specializing in Immigration Law, Personal Injury, Family Law, Estates & 

African Region Legal Services & Advisory






Legal counsel regarding matters of immigration, naturalization, deportation, visas & citizenship.



Representation on matters of auto accidents, slip and fall, medical malpractice, mental health professional negligence, and product liability and construction accidents.


Legal representation on issues involving family relationships and divorce.



Legal representation with regards to wills, estates and estate planning.



Representation and consultation on business transactions & misrepresentations, visas, corporate research and due diligence, real estate transactions, international legal links.

Dr. C. Emmanuel Ahia, Ph.D., J.D., Esq.



Since 1994, Dr. Ahia has practiced law in different state and federal courts. A longtime member of multiple bar associations, he has served on Pennsylvania’s Elder Law committee. Over the years, his practice has focused on personal injury, health law, immigration, juvenile justice matters, Clergy malpractice, international legal consulting, and a number of class action cases.


In his pursuit for leave-no stone-unturned excellence and best results , he has partnered with colleagues in other notible law firms such as the Law office of Daniel L. Martin, Start & Start Attorneys at Law, Cabaniss Law, Carella Byrre Bain Gilfillan Cecchi Stewart & Olstein, to mention a few.


In addition to being an attorney, Dr. Ahia is a university professor and has an extensive background in teaching courses in health law and legal and ethical issues in the practice of psychotherapy in many universities. ​Since 1990, Dr. Ahia has been a professor at Rider University graduate school in Lawrenceville, New Jersey, where he teaches other clinical courses and directs the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program. As one of only a handful of practicing attorneys teaching graduate-level counseling classes, he is uniquely qualified to dissect legal issues and their interconnection with the field of counseling, family law. Insanity defense, post-traumatic stress aspects of human behavior. 


Despite his demanding schedule as a practicing attorney and full-time university professor, Dr. Ahia still finds time to help in the community by using his expertise as both a mental health counselor and an attorney to focus on cases where he can get his clients the treatment they need to prevent future criminal behavior. By way of example, he has represented people with obsessive-compulsive disorder, which could lead to an act such as shoplifting, as well as clients who have substance abuse issues. The process often involves having his clients evaluated by a mental health professional, and then demonstrating to the court that treatment, and not incarceration, is the best option.
In addition to his legal work, Dr. Ahia also volunteers much of his time serving on the boards of numerous organizations in the mental health field. They include Bethanna, a Pennsylvania-based organization focused on the well-being of children and families, and Penndel Mental Health Center, which provides psychiatric and social services to residents of Bucks County, Pa. He was also previously a board member of St. Mary Medical Center in Langhorne, Pennsylvania. Dr. Ahia explains that giving back to the community is just part of who he is. “When people are in need, it’s difficult for me to just look away,” he says. “I try to use my skills to help them. That’s how I was raised. My dad was an elementary school principal, and I grew up seeing my parents care very much about people. And I’m the same way. I get a lot of joy seeing people who are down, get up.”





Tel: +1 215.493.2585

  • J. D. School of Law, University of Arkansas; Fayetteville, Arkansas. 

  • Ph. D. Education Psychology (Counseling): Department of Educational Psychology; Southern Illinois University; Carbondale, Illinois

  • M. A. Interpersonal Communication; Minor in Counseling Psychology, Wheaton Graduate School, Wheaton, Illinois. 

  • B. A. Religious Studies; Minor in Counseling Psychology; Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois. 

  • Ahia, C.E. (2011) The Danger-to-Self-or-Others Exception to Confidentiality. 2nd Ed. Lanham: MD The Rowman & Littlefield Pub.

  • Ahia, C.E. (2010) Legal and Ethical Dictionary for Mental Health Professions. 2nd Ed. Lanham: MD University Press Of America.

  • Ahia, C.E. (2003) Legal and Ethical Dictionary for Mental Health Professionals. Lanhan: MD. University Press of America.

  • Ahia, C.E. (2005).  “A Cultural Framework for Counseling African-Americans.” In Lee, C. et al., Multicultural Issues in Counseling: New Approaches to Diversity.  3rd edition ACA Press (Chapter 5).

  • Ahia, C.E. and Martin, D. (1993).  The Danger to Self and Others Exception to Confidentiality.  The ACA Legal Series.  Alexandria, VA: Vol. 8.

  • Ahia, C.E. (1992) “Afrocentric International Education: Linking Heritage, multicultural identity development, and scholarship”  in C.J. Smith (ed.) Educating for the 21st Century:  Blacks on Predominantly White Campuses (pp. 1-7).  Washington, D.C.: NAFEO.

  • Spiegelhoff, S. and Ahia,C.E. (2010) Impact of Parental Mental Illness: Ethical and Clinical Issues for Mental Health Counselors, Journal of Mental Health Counseling.

  • Dombrowski, S.C., LeMasney. J.W., Ahia, C.E., and Dickson, S.A. (2004) Protecting Children from Online Sexual Predators: Technological, Psychoeducational, and Legal Considerations, Professional Psychology: Research and Practice Vol. 35, (1), 65-73.

  • Dombrowski, S.C., Ahia, C.E., and McQuillan, K. (2003).  “Protecting Children through Mandated Child Abuse Reporting”.  The Educational Forum, Winter Edition.

  • Ahia, C.E. (2002).  “Insanity Defense”.  In Magill’s Encyclopedia of Psychology, Pasadena, CA:  Salem Press.

  • Ahia, C.E. (1995).  “Clarifying Some Facts About Counselor Licensure and Certification in New Jersey”.  NJCA Newsletter.  Spring.

  • Ahia, C.E. (1992).  Impact of Geopolitical Crises on the Formation on Maintenance Of Multicultural Counseling Relationships:  Insights from Case Studies. International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling, Vol. 12, 16, 27-35.

  • Ahia, C.E. (1991).  Cultural Contextualization of Diagnostic Signs, Symptoms, and Symbols in International Mental Health: A Focus on DSM-III R.  Journal of College Student Psychotherapy. Vol. 6, 1, 35-37.

  • Ahia, C.E., Ahia, R.N., Guyton, R. (1988).  Health Risk Behavior of Foreign Students: A Guide for Health Counseling.  Abstract Book.  American College Health Conference.  Denver, Colorado.  May 24-28.

  • Ahia, C.E. (1985).  Protecting Peer Counselors from Occupational Hazards. Peeo Facilitator Quarterly.  Vol. 2, No. 3, 2-4.

  • Ahia, C.E. (1985).  Cross-Cultural Counseling Facts: A Reply to Patricia M. Arrendonodo.  Journal of Counseling and Development.  Vol. 63, 5, 587.

  • Ahia, C.E. (1984).  Cross-Cultural Counseling Concerns.  The Personnel and Guidance Journal.  Vol. 62, No. 6, 76-82.

  • Ahia, C.E. (1984).  Psychological Thoughts and Practices in Traditional Nigeria: Implications for International Students Counseling and Mental Health Development.  The Journal of International Students Personnel.  Vol. 7, 2, 149-157.

  • Ahia, C.E. and Bradley, R.W. (1984).  Assessments of Secondary School Students’ Needs.  International Journal for the  Advancement of Counseling. Vol. 7, 2, 149-157.

  • Daniels, M.H. and  Ahia, C.E. (1982).  A Career Skills Approach to Career Education. The Rural Educator.  Vol. 4, No. 2, 11-14, Winter.

  • Ahia, C.E. (1984).  Psychological Thoughts and Practices in Traditional Nigeria: Implications for International Students Counseling and Mental Health Development.  The Journal of International Students Personnel.  Vol. 7, 2, 149-157.

  • Ahia, C.E. (2015) Licensure Board Actions Against Professional Counselors: Implications for Counselor Training and Practice. ACES National Conference, Philadelphia PA. March 21-24.

  • Ahia C. E. (2013) A Mental Health Perspective on School Bullying Law: Legal, Ethical and Professional Considerations. ACA Conference, March 21-24.

  • Ahia, C.E., and Johnson, C. (2007) Legal and Ethical Issues in Counseling Supervision. New Jersey Counseling Association, Annual Conference. April 22-24.

  • Ahia, C. E. Marketing Your Private Practice Legal and Ethical Issues. New Jersey Counseling Association, Annual Conference, Sheraton at Eatontown, April 22-24.

  • Ahia, C.E. (2006) A Case for Professional Peace Counselors in Post War Environments: 11th  International Counseling Conference. Bangkok, Thailand, Dec. 28, 2006-Jan 2, 2007.

  • Ahia, C.E. (2004) Becoming an Effective Counseling Supervisor: Legal Ethical & Multicultural Issues. New Jersey Counseling Association (NJCA) Annual Conference, Sheraton at Eatontown, NJ. May 4.

  • Ahia, C.E. (2003) Post-War Disaster Mental Health Services: The Case of Liberia. American Counseling Association (ACA) Annual Conference. Anaheim, CA, March 24.

  • Ahia, C.E. (2000) Multicultural Issues in Counseling Supervision, at 8th International Counseling Conference. San Jose, Costa Rica, June 15-16.

  • Ahia, C.E. (1999) “Peer-Supervision: A Working Model.”  NJCA Annual Conference. Atlantic City, April 17.

  • Ahia, C.E. (2003).  Confidentiality in School-Based Programs.   New Jersey Department Of Human Services Meeting of School-based Mental Health Professionals.

  • Ahia, C.E. (2003).  Post-War Disaster Mental Health Services: The Case of Liberia. American Counseling Association Annual Conference.  March 24.

  • Ahia, C.E. (2000).  Multicultural and Ethical Issues in Counseling Supervision.  8th International Counseling Conference.  June 15-16, San Jose, Costa Rico.

  • Ahia, C.E. et al. (1999)  Peer Supervision: A Working Model.  NJCA Annual Conference. April 17.

  • Ahia, C.E. (1999).  The Making of a Multicultural Professional.  Somerset Board of Education.  September 7.

  • Ahia, C.E. (1999).  Legal Issues in School Counseling.   Mercer County School Counselor Association Conference.  Lawrenceville, NJ.  April 22

  • Ahia, C.E. & Carter, R. (1998).  Role Modeling for African-American Students: An Exploration of the Myths and Realities.  New Jersey School for Counselors Association.  Professional Development Conference.  Monmouth Junction, NJ. October 25-26.

  • Ahia, C.E. (1997) Counseling and Behavioral Management of Juvenile Criminal Offenders (JCO’S).  NARACES Conference.  Plattsburg, N.Y. October 24-25.

  • Ahia, C.E., Lyons, S., Szyonanski, E. (1996).  Marriage Mediation: Tools and Techniques for Counselors.  NJCA Annual Conference.  March 17-19.

  • Ahia, C.E. (1996).  The Role of Black Males in Community Development.  New Jersey Million Man March Committee.  Trenton, NJ.  Saturday, January 26.

  • Ahia, C.E. (1996).  Divorce Mediation Issues in Counseling.  ACA National Conference. Pittsburgh, PA.  April 16.

  • Ahia, C.E. (1996).  The Black Family and the Responsibility of the Black Community to the Plight of the Homeless.  New Jersey Community Service Association. Newark, NJ.

  • Ahia, C.E. (1996).  Family Involvement in Providing Social and Psychological Support for the Addictive Personality.  Harris House.  Trenton, NJ.

  • Ahia, C.E. (1995).  Instructing the Multicultural/Ethic Learner.  Matawan-Aberdeen School District. October 9.

  • Ahia, C. E. (1995).  Managing Multicultural Identity Regression.  NJCA Annual Conference.  March 12-14.

  • Ahia, C.E. (1995).  Functional Multicultural Identity.  NJCA Annual Conference. March 12.

  • Ahia, C.E. (1994).  Multiculturalism and Professionalism:  Issues for School Administrators and Counselors.  Ewing Township Public School Staff Development.  September 30.

  • Ahia, C.E. (1994).  Emerging Leadership Workshops II.  (Panelist) North Atlantic Region Branch Assembly of ACA, Washington, D.C..  October 7-10.

  • Ahia, C.E. (1993).  Integrating Diversity and Multiculturalism into the Education System:  The Issues and Processes.  Highland Park School District/Highland Park Committee on Race Relations, October 6.

  • Ahia, C.E. (1993).  Profiles in Multicultural Identity Development.  Annual Meeting of New Jersey Association of Multicultural Counseling.  October 6.

  • National Certified Counselor #20060

  • Attorney at Law #74261PA

  • Licensed Professional Counselor - NJ#37PC00213100

  • Licensed Professional Counselor – PA#PC002655






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